Milap S | Data Science
Senior Data Analyst and Freelancer. Main skills used here are: Data Analysis (Python, Selenium, SQL...) and Machine Learning (NLP, TensorFlow/ Keras, Deep Learning with Neural Networks...). Contact me for any queries on a project. All the work here is my own.
Tweet and Twitter Account Sentiment Classifier Tool
Using our Neural Network model to classify different sentiments on your tweets!
T-Rex Runner - Machine Learning CNN Bot
Using a Convolutional Neural Network to play the 2D game 'T-Rex Runner'
Covid-19 Tweet Classifier with Neural Networks
Using machine learning to train a Neural Network model to classify different sentiments on tweets
Instagram Super Scraper - Scraping 100,000 Posts/Hr
By-passing Instagram's infinite scroll and blocking measures to scrape any hashtag or account
Twitter API - Scraping Millions of Tweets
Using Tweepy and geo locations to scrape millions of tweets in specific locations for free
Image Analysis - Colour Palette Generator
Turning multiple images into a colour palette - Matplotlib, Colourgram, Webcolors, skimage...
Web Scraping with Python and Selenium
Using Selenium to navigate through line graphs and scrape multiple data-points
Competitive Sport Analysis with Machine Learning
Using Python and Orange to analyse a large dataset - Keras, Neural Networks, Clustering, Classification...
Website UX Design Analysis - Visual Data
Heatmaps, Gazeplots - Finding breakpoints through a website and analysing UX data
Coding Chess From Scratch
Coding invidiual functions to simulate the game of chess - Python, United Kingdom